Go Team

by Marilynn Halas on December 11th, 2011
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            This is a busy time of year no matter what you are doing.  No amount of planning, organizing or ordering can change the fact that with the holidays fast approaching and the year-end closing, it’s easy to get swept away in full to do lists and frustration.  Everything takes longer than we thought and demands our attention immediately.  Add to this the happy fact that everyone will have the chance to spend extra time together.

Not just out of town relatives or long distance friends.  Everyone who actually lives with you will have extra togetherness time.  Schools out, guests are in and here we go.  Mix anticipation with exhaustion and add a pinch of excitement and you have the perfect recipe for Holiday stew, (Naturally, it’s cooked in a pressure cooker.)

What should we do when both kids want the same thing?  When both parents do?  It’s all about teamwork and now is the perfect time to try a new recipe.  This dish takes a little time to prepare, but it sweetens family time for long time.  Your children need you and each other, so the effort required to build your team is always well spent.

In business models, we learn a lot about the importance of teamwork, we hear about it in sports all the time.   Major corporations spend millions of dollars to establish positive corporate cultures because research continues to show that we human beings are much more empowered when we are happy.  Happy and empowered are two gifts I know we would all stand in line to give to our kids.  So how do we do it?

We are staring down the barrel of two weeks of family time cooped up in our own home, or someone else’s.  Crinoline dresses, tights and ties all wrapped up with reminders of good manners and keeping the noise level to a quiet roar.  Sounds fun, right?  Imagine how it sounds to a five year old!

So here are some ideas for a different recipe.  Start by taking an inventory of your ingredients.  If you miss your run, are you frustrated for the rest of the day?  If your partner can’t sleep late, is his/her day off wasted?  Maybe your kids need a little fresh air no matter what the weather is, or a popcorn laden movie night double feature on the couch?

No one knows your crew like you do, so take a moment and remind yourself who they really are, not who they need to be when they arrive at dear Aunt Hilda’s.   Now for the fun part.  Create accordingly.  Depending on the age of your kids, you can have a family meeting, or just begin to use new language.  The great thing about kids of all ages is that they believe what you tell them about themselves.

Tell them you believe in them and ask for their help.  They love you; they just need to know what to do.  Corporations use retreats and seminars; families can use vacations or games and puzzles.  Make time to just hang out together.  Show them you value being with them and that you value respect; both from them and for them.  Do what you can to get them what they need to feel comfortable in their own skin.  Free time to run around outside for little ones, maybe a special Mani and Pedi for your teenage daughter.  Maybe someone needs a little alone time for sanity’s sake, someone else longs to pile together for family videos.  It doesn’t matter what you do, people of all ages respond to feeling heard, understood and wanted.

This is how you begin to build the team that can prevail in the game of life.  One day at a time, one moment at a time, one holiday at a time.


Start where you are and together move forward with your faces to the sun and the shadows far behind.


Categories: General

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