Happy Thanksgiving

by Marilynn Halas on November 20th, 2011
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            I think Thanksgiving is by far one of the most magnificent holidays.  I love this day not just because I love the amazing food, (which I really do), not just because I love being with my family, (which I really do, most of the time), I love it because it is a national reminder to be a more positive person.

Count your blessings, be more appreciative, look for the silver lining; whatever cliché you like, Thanksgiving is about gratitude not attitude.

We are told not to “settle”, or accept less than our best and while I think that advice has it’s place, I think we could all use a bit more gratitude to season our recipe for the ideal life.  Not just gratitude for the people or things around us.  Gratitude for the monumental effort we make everyday.  So don’t settle.  Don’t settle for anything less than being kind to yourself as well as all the others you love and look after.

Don’t spend your energy worrying, be grateful for the wonderful memories you are making and for the gift you give your family by not just nourishing their bellies, but by nurturing their hearts and minds.  Don’t sell your self short if your recipes are less than you imagined; celebrate that your love is not just a passive promise.  Celebrate that you have the capacity to put your love into action.

Your children learn by seeing, not just hearing.  This week you are showing them that you are willing sacrifice the time to travel or host a special gathering because celebration matters.  You are carving more than just a turkey; you are carving out time.  You are making memories and establishing continuity.  You are giving your family priority seating in your life and your children will feel blessed and happy and, dare I say it?  Thankful.

           Traditions are about so much more than a memory.  Traditions are about time travel.  For a brief moment we can visit our grandmother’s home and once again smell her amazing apple pie.  Even more amazing, we can travel forward in time to a place where the people who currently sit at the kid’s table, are now our hosts.  This time we can smile knowing that they will borrow from today as they create the new traditions that will carry your family even further into the future.

Families come together out of love and hope for better days.  Thanksgiving is the chance to acknowledge that the love is still there and that love is what makes each day better.   So enjoy your family and enjoy yourself and be sure to have a nice turkey sandwich the next day.  You’ve earned it and besides, we need to keep our strength up for the upcoming “Holly Daze.”


Keep your face to the sun and all shadows and turkeys, etc. will fall behind.


Categories: General

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